JME Software develops the first security software
for both mainframe and enterprise systems

JME Software LLC delivers a new generation of tools and applications for managing, monitoring,
securing, and automating today's multi-platform enterprise environment by using the Dignus Cross
Mode Systems/C compiler to develop on their remote PCs.

Time to Modernize
Mainframe Security

In 2004, JME Software began to
architect a replacement for
existing legacy mainframe
security systems (RACF, ACF2,
and Top Secret) with a software
development team spread across
the US and beyond.

"We found ourselves dispersed
across the country with many
developers trying to access a
remote resource with large
compile times"
, commented
Barry Schrager, Vice President
of Software Development at
JME Software.

"The Dignus Cross development
environment significantly
reduced our compile times and
enabled our developers to work

"We wanted to use the C
programming language for
development so that we can
extend mainframe-style security
to other platforms - including
Linux, UNIX, Solaris and
Windows versions - in upcoming

JME's developers learned about
Dignus early on an dhave used
the Dignus Systems/C compiler
and Systems/ASM assembler to
create the DEADBOLT security
system for z/OS and future
mainframe environments.

"We could not have created this
new solution without the Dignus
Systems/C development
said Schrager.


Systems/C enables
developers to program in C
and create products for z/OS,
OS/390, Linux on zSeries
and other mainframe
environments. Using C
provides JME Software the
flexibilty to address its multi-
platform development
requirements. Systems/C
and Systems/ASM generate
objects which link in the
JME run-time environments.

Sytems/C offers a
Linux compatibilty mode that
developers can use to generate
Linux/390 objects in addition
to mainframe objects.

Compiler Features

Systems/C has several
features, including the ability
to create commented
assembler source, direct in-
line assembler source and
other useful programming
features that enhance the
JME development

Furthermore, Systems/C
and Systems/ASM are
both available on Linux for
zSeries, enabling JME to use
these same Dignus products
for future development.

So -- What's a

DEADBOLT is a new enterprise
security solution --- incorporating
the first new mainframe security
software system in 25 years!

the mainframe security system
but without the critical
problems typically encountered
in switching from one security
system to another.

DEADBOLT is unique in that
you can run it at the same time
as the existing RACF, ACF2 or
TOP SECRET security system.
While running alongside the
legacy system, DEADBOLT
audits the access attempts that
your current system permits or
denies and logs any differences.

You can run DEADBOLT in this
way -- as a live test -- for as long
as you want. You see exactly
how DEADBOLT would treat
every transaction request
your existing system handles.

You can review the difference
to tailor DEADBOLT
Acess Control Lists to permit
exactly the accesses that you
want. When you're satisfied with
the results, you can easily
implement DEADBOLT to take
over securing access. It's just
like fipping a switch.

DEADBOLT Functionality

When you convert to
DEADBOLT, you're not just
trading one security system for
another - you gain functionality
that other security systems don't

DEADBOLT gives you things
that other products don't
such as -
  • The ability to run
    alongside your existing
    security system
    to monitor
    and audit all access
  • A simple-to-use web
    instead of the
    standard mainframe security
    system's "grean screen"
  • Real-time, definable alerts
    delivered to the security
    office's cell phone - such as
    "Someone is attempting to
    gain access to the Nuclear
    Waste Shipment Schedule"
  • The ability to categorize
    to deal with current
    regulations like HIPAA,
    Sarbanes-Oxley, and
    ISO 17799
  • Built-in incident-tracking
    and the ability to document
    both existing and new
    security permissions
  • Real-time, custmoizable
    reports and dashboards

    based updon the
    DEADBOLT relational

Reduce Support Costs

DEADBOLT reduces the
burden on your highly skilled
mainframe professionals
routine tasks to administer and
support your security software.

The web interface makes
DEADBOLT simple to use,
simple to understand, and
simple to administer
. You don't
have to be a TSO or z/OS wiz to
administer DEADBOLT; it's
designed for today's IT

Management Compliance

DEADBOLT provides tools
specifically tailored to help you
comply with management
directives that are essential to
today's enterprise.

Need to standardize on one
enterprise-wide security system?
DEADBOLT understands each
of the very different philosophies
that legacy products are based

DEADBOLT associates users,
data, and resources with owners,
security categories, and reporting
categories. Therefor
DEADBOLT can document
security definitions by
associating explanations,
justifications, and reference
numbers with authorization

This flexibility makes it easy to
define reports based on any or all
of this information, as well as
other criteria, including names of
users and times of access.

Barry Schrager sums up
JME Software's use of Dignus
products and reports: "Dignus
has proven their Systems/C and
Systems/ASM software and
exceptional customer service by
tailoriing their products to our
environment. We believe that
utilizing Dignus has dramatically
shortened our development time
and enabled us to develop our
product for the z/OS
environment - while enabling us
to use the code we've already
developed on other platforms in
the future."

About Barry Schrager

Barry Schrager is the Vice
President of Development at
JME Software and leads
DEADBOLT development. He
formed the SHARE Security
Project in the earely 1970s and
development the roadmap for
mainframe security. Visit to review
copies of his presentations from
that period.

After IBM introduce RACF in
1976, Schrager formed SKK,
Inc. to develop system security
software to meet the SHARE
requirements. As the original
designer and co-author fo ACF2
(now eTrust CA-ACF2), he is
widely recognized as a pioneer
in computer security. Schrager's
innovations and designs set the
standard for security for today's

Related links

IBM, z/OS and RACF are
trademarks or registered
trademarks of IBM

ACF2 and Top Secret are
trademarks or registered
trademarks of Computer